- 以冷水(室溫)來沖泡茶葉,茶葉與水的比例是1g:100c.c,浸泡3-4個小時後,既可享受既好喝又保健的冷泡茶,若存放超過12小時以上,需取出茶渣,將茶水置於冷藏,可保存2天。
Use room temperature water to brew the tea. The ratio of tea to water is 1g: 100c.c. Let it infuse for 3 to 4 hours before enjoying the delicious and healthy cold tea. If you intended to keep the tea for longer than 12 hours, you need to remove the tea leaves and place the tea in the refrigerator. This should last for 2 days. - 相同茶水比例,直接置入冷藏中,8小時後即可飲用,可存放4天的時間。
For a stock batch of tea, use exactly the same ratio of tea to water then place the batch into refrigerator. After 8 hours of refrigeration it is ready for consumption. It can store for four days.