- 選水- 沖泡茶葉用水最好是用RO逆滲透,純水不會因為雜質而影響茶葉的味道。
When choosing water – the best water to use when brewing tea is to use reverse osmosis (RO) filtered water. As a result the taste of the tea will not be affected by impurities. - 溫壺- 於水溫70-80度之間時, 將熱水淋在壺上(避免壺因高熱造成龜裂)。
Warming the pot – rinse out the teapot with water between 70 to 80 degrees. This is done to avoid cracking the teapot. - 依個人喜好置入適量的茶葉,倒入沸水輕晃兩秒倒出(洗茶)。
According to your personal preference, add the desired amount of tea, then pour boiling water into the pot for 2 seconds in order to activate the tea. This is called “tea washing”.
If you are unsure of how much tea to add use the following guidelines.
★半球型茶葉- 置入比淹底多一點的高度。
Hemisphere style leaves – cover just the bottom surface of the pot with tea leaves.
★條型茶葉- 約為陶壺1/2之高度。
Linearity style leaves- fill half the tea pot with tea leaves. - 沖入90-100度之開水,第1泡35秒,第2泡30秒, 第3泡以上浸泡時間逐次遞增, 可回沖數次。
Use hot water,boiled to around 90 to 100 degrees,to make the tea. The first time round,brew the tea for 35 secs,this is now ready to drink. When using the leaves to brew for a 2nd time,brew for 30 secs. each successive time after that add 10 seconds on to the initial brewing time. - 沖泡的次數跟時間主要還是取決於個人口味而定。以陶壺沖泡時,生茶與烘焙茶使用之陶壺要分開,避免茶味被混淆。
The tea brewing times depend on individual tastes. When brewing with a clay pot,try to use different clay pots for different varieties of tea to avoid mixing flavors.